Tyehimba Jess at Bowdoin College, September 7, 2006
On September 7, 2006, From the Fishouse was pleased to present a reading by Tyehimba Jess, author of leadbelly (Verse Press, 2005), at
Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. The event, sponsored by From the Fishouse and Bowdoin's MacMillan House, in conjuction with Bowdoin's Office of Residential Life, was made possible through generous grants by the Andrew Mellon Foundation and the Davis Family Foundation.
Listen to the full reading, including a Question and Answer
segment (approximately 45 minutes) or listen to the
poems and the Q&A individually:
- Full Reading
- leadbelly's lessons
- sallie ledbetter: a mother's hymn
- mistress stella speaks
- bud russel, louisiana prison transfer man, 1920
- sing out
- freedom
- leadbelly in angolo prison: down again
- leadbelly sings to his #1 crew
- martha promise receives leadbelly, 1935
- Ethnogropher John Lomax Speaks of His Vocation
- John Lomax Visits Leadbelly in Angola Prison: July 1933
- five year sentence
- lomax v. leadbelly in new york: letters to home, 1934
- stella: diminuendo
- Audience Q&A
Posted on November 11, 2006 10:39 AM