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2. Poem Title Attribution (publisher and/or issue & vol #, relevant web link) Poem Category by Topic (choose all that apply). Animals Art Childhood Family (fathers, mothers, children, etc.) Food Gardening History Humor Health/Illness/The Body/Mortality Love Music Nature Place Poetry Politics Relationships Religion/Faith/Spirituality Rural Life Seasons Sex/Sexuality Sports Time Travel Urban Life War Work To select two or more, hold down control key (command key on a Macintosh) while clicking mouse. Other
3. Poem Title Attribution (publisher and/or issue & vol #, relevant web link) Poem Category by Topic (choose all that apply). Animals Art Childhood Family (fathers, mothers, children, etc.) Food Gardening History Humor Health/Illness/The Body/Mortality Love Music Nature Place Poetry Politics Relationships Religion/Faith/Spirituality Rural Life Seasons Sex/Sexuality Sports Time Travel Urban Life War Work To select two or more, hold down control key (command key on a Macintosh) while clicking mouse. Other
4. Poem Title Attribution (publisher and/or issue & vol #, relevant web link) Poem Category by Topic (choose all that apply). Animals Art Childhood Family (fathers, mothers, children, etc.) Food Gardening History Humor Health/Illness/The Body/Mortality Love Music Nature Place Poetry Politics Relationships Religion/Faith/Spirituality Rural Life Seasons Sex/Sexuality Sports Time Travel Urban Life War Work To select two or more, hold down control key (command key on a Macintosh) while clicking mouse. Other
5. Poem Title Attribution (publisher and/or issue & vol #, relevant web link) Poem Category by Topic (choose all that apply). Animals Art Childhood Family (fathers, mothers, children, etc.) Food Gardening History Humor Health/Illness/The Body/Mortality Love Music Nature Place Poetry Politics Relationships Religion/Faith/Spirituality Rural Life Seasons Sex/Sexuality Sports Time Travel Urban Life War Work To select two or more, hold down control key (command key on a Macintosh) while clicking mouse. Other
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I, , in submission of this form, grant rights to From the Fishouse to publish on the Web audio and text of the above poems, and to distribute, not-for-profit, the audio recordings of these poems submitted to From the Fishouse by me, the author. Posted on July 4, 2007 8:09 AM
Posted on July 4, 2007 8:09 AM