Sean Singer

Links to other work by Sean Singer:
Essay about Hart Crane from Electronic Poetry Review
Three sketches from Memorious
Essay on poetry and jazz from
Posted on February 16, 2005 6:08 AM
- The Secret Diaries of Robot
- Poem with Groucho Marx Refrains
- The Old Record
- Living On Nothing But Honey And Smoke
- Ken Burns poem
- Echolocation
- Ellingtonia
- Cuba Poem
- The Burghers of Calais
- Abortion
- Sean Singer Q&A on becoming a poet
- Sean Singer Q&A on two poets Fishouse visitors should explore
- Sean Singer Q&A with some advice to young writers
- Sean Singer Q&A on a poem he wishes he'd written
- Sean Singer Q&A on on the genesis of his poem The Burghers of Calais
- Sean Singer Q&A on form
- Sean Singer Q&A on his current project
- Sean Singer