Laura McCullough
Laura McCullough's second book of poems, What Men Want, is forthcoming from XOXOX Press. Her first, The Dancing Bear, debuted in 2006 with jacket blurbs by Stephen Dunn, Li-young Lee, and BJ Ward. Her chapbook of prose poems, Elephant Anger, was published in 2007 by Mudlark. She's been a Prairie Schooner Merit Scholar in Poetry and been a New Jersey State Fellow in both poetry and prose. She holds an MFA in fiction from Goddard College and her work has appeared recently or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, New South, The American Poetry Review, Nimrod, Crab Orchard Review, Boulevard, Poetry East, Hotel Amerika, Gulf Coast, The Portland Review, and other journals.Posted on March 26, 2008 5:46 AM
- The Man With Small Hands
- The Man With Large Hands
- What Really Dies in Autumn
- Pig's Tail Tongue
- All Day I Dream About Sex
- Laura McCullough Q&A on one of her favorite poems
- Laura McCullough Q&A on a poem she wishes she'd written
- Laura McCullough Q&A recommends a poet
- Laura McCullough Q&A with advice for young writers
- Laura McCullough