La Tasha N. Nevada Diggs |
laveau's sojourn
hear me loosen from the alabaster
crosses all lose grounding
feathers from the cock
craft delicate flakes not of snow
no more bus tours
no more trampling over my charms
above ground under water I am calcium
milky spirals in ruby mud and splinter
I can rest now
with plastic and cinderblock
the markings are bloated inscribed with a telling mood
black is my conjure blues
what could my spells do now?
the rattle is drifting between a roof and a river
my handsome messengers float head down in fashionable white
all this
good for my sleep
I’ve not slept for a very long time
how un/peaceful these gates were
the levees lost purpose
my neighbors some were without a stone anyway
you’ve given enough coins
no more flowers now
leave no single note for your heart doting and twinge
jot not another cross please
these pores are filled
too cemented with wants and reprisal
when the water subsides
my prayer will have bosomed
the freshness of cholera and myth goes further
I can rest
La Tasha N. Nevada Diggs
Poem, copyright © 2005 by La Tasha N. Nevada Diggs
Appearing on From the Fishouse with permission
Audio file, copyright © 2005, From the Fishouse
Posted on September 16, 2005 6:04 AM