La Tasha N. Nevada Diggs |
talofa, wa’tsi hi’ya ‘wa’ya
a’le ya(na)se kamama
e kala mai ia’u
Laka, funky like a unicorn
could warn you
pero lingo gotta switch
swiftly wa’tsi hi’ya gv-li
bubble your waters tread your kingdom
tip-toe on your vertigo flip to stereo
can you hear me yo?
lehelehe lehelele flow
lehelehe jingo
chico ma goon ngun ngun ngun yeah!
china ma orit chichi sai
tip-toe on your vertigo flip to stereo can you hear me yo?
chico ma goon ngun ngun ngun yeah!
china ma orit chichi sai
pulelehua wa’tsi hi’ya a tsv ya
a’le wesi
fire eaters rum-riddle linguistic skittles
enchanted shuffleboard
what you heard….extraordinary
running down to Singapore
Pele, whiti te ra!
gonna buy me a lavender labrador
Pele, ‘ga no lv’sga
restore your confidence
make it fresh
joy pop diss beat
jawbreaker broken e’s hawai’i
goli:ga tsalagi
dawadoa thal’ami
chico ma goon ngun ngun ngun yeah!
china ma orit chichi sai
tip-toe on your vertigo flip to stereo can you hear me yo?
chico ma goon ngun ngun ngun yeah!
china ma orit chichi sai
pulelehua wa’tsi hi’ya a tsv ya
pulelehua wa’tsi hi’ya a tsv ya
La Tasha N. Nevada Diggs
August 12, 2005
Harlem…hot as hell
Poem, copyright © 2005 by La Tasha N. Nevada Diggs
Appearing on From the Fishouse with permission
Audio file, copyright © 2005, From the Fishouse
Posted on September 16, 2005 6:50 AM