Dana Levin

Wedding Day by Dana Levin
Dana Levin's first collection, In the Surgical Theatre (Copper Canyon Press, 1999), received the 1999 American Poetry Review/Honickman First Book Prize, The John C. Zacharis First Book Award from Ploughshares, the 2000 Wytter Bynner Prize from The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the 2003 PEN/Osterweil Award. Her most recent book, from which the following poems were read, is Wedding Day (Copper Canyon Press, 2005). Levin is the recipient of numerous other honors, including 2004 fellowships from the Library of Congress and the Rona Jaffe Foundation. She teaches in the MFA prgram at Warren Wilson College and directs the creative writing program at College of Santa Fe in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For Robert Pinsky's discussion of "Ars Poetica", see the August 7, 2005, 2005 Poet's Choice column at www.washingtonpost.com.

Posted on August 29, 2005 5:22 AM