Barbara Jane Reyes
Barbara Jane Reyes was born in Manila, Philippines and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her undergraduate education at UC Berkeley and earned an MFA at SF State University in 2005. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Asian Pacific American Journal, Chain, Interlope, North American Review, and Tinfish. She is the author of Gravities of Center (SF: Arkipelago Books Publishing, 2003). In September 2005, Reyes was awarded the Academy of American Poets Prize for her second collection of poems, Poeta en San Francisco, published by Tinfish Press.Posted on February 16, 2005 5:57 AM
- Barbara Jane Reyes Full Reading at City Lights
- Consider This Procession (live, City Lights)
- The Opposite of Eden (live, City Lights)
- I Missed the Parades This Week (live, City Lights)
- From the Street Corner's Beat Up Boom Box (live, City Lights)
- A Compendium of Angels (live, City Lights)
- Estuary (live, City Lights)
- Unremembered
- Tenderly
- State of Emergency
- Lullaby in SoMa for Paloma
- Going Outside to Find the Sky
- Asking
- Barbara Jane Reyes Q&A on two poets
- Barbara Jane Reyes Q&A on Tenderly
- Barbara Jane Reyes Q&A on her current project
- Barbara Jane Reyes