Spring 2008 Reading Series

(Click here for Fall '07 listings)

The From the Fishouse reading series is generously supported by the Foundation for Contemporary Arts and the Residential Life and Academic Affairs Offices at Bowdoin College.

Oliver de la Paz & Evie Shockley: Thursday, February 21, 2008

7:30 p.m., Bowdoin College, Lancaster Lounge, Moulton Union, Brunswick, Maine
This reading will be webcast live: Watch it here!
Oliver de la Paz

Oliver de la Paz was born in Manila, Philippines, and raised in Ontario, Oregon. He has a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in English from Loyola Marymount University, and an M.F.A. in creative writing from Arizona State University. He has taught at Arizona State University, Gettysburg College, Utica College, and he currently teaches creative writing at Western Washington University. He has worked with Kundiman as faculty/staff since 2004, and he currently serves on their Advisory Board. A recipient of a 2005 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, his work has appeared in journals such as Quarterly West, Cream City Review, Third Coast, North American Review, and elsewhere. His book of prose and verse, Names Above Houses, was a winner of the Crab Orchard Award Series and published by Southern Illinois University Press in 2001. His second collection of poems, Furious Lullaby, was published in fall 2007 by SIU Press.
Evie Shockley
Evie Shockley is the author of a chapbook, The Gorgon Goddess (2001), and the collection a half-red sea (2006), both with Carolina Wren Press. Her poetry also appears in Beloit Poetry Journal, Callaloo, Crab Orchard Review, Fascicle, Hambone, HOW2, nocturnes (re)view, Talisman, Poetry Daily: Poems from the World's Most Popular Poetry Website, Rainbow Darkness: An Anthology of African American Poetry, and other journals and anthologies. Shockley is a graduate fellow of Cave Canem and was awarded a residency at Hedgebrook Retreat for Women Writers in 2003. She is an assistant professor of English at Rutgers University, where she teaches African American literature and creative writing.

Thorpe Moeckel: Thursday, April 24, 2008

7:30 p.m., Bowdoin College, Schwartz Outdoor Leadershp Center, Junction of College St. and Harpswell Road, Brunswick, Maine
Thorpe Moeckel

Thorpe Moeckel’s first book of poems, Odd Botany, was published in 2002 by Silverfish Review Press. A new collection, Making a Map of the River, will be published spring 2008 by Iris Press. Chapbooks include Meltlines, and The Guessing Land. New essays and poems appear or are forthcoming in Verse, Orion, Shenandoah, Open City, Rivendell, and Field. After years guiding trips on rivers and trails in the Appalachians, Moeckel earned an MFA in 2002 at University of Virginia, where he was a Jacob K. Javits and Henry Hoyns Fellow. A former Kenan Visiting Writer at UNC-Chapel Hill, he now teaches at Hollins University and lives with his wife and daughter on a small farm, where they raise ducks, chickens, pigs, goats, sheep, poems, and vegetables under the tutelage of a burro and too many barn cats.

Posted on August 24, 2007 7:02 AM